When You’re Investing In A Leadership Development Program…
…You Want To Feel Confident That It Can Accomplish Your Organization’s Objectives
Our intention is to “blow you away” because it’s our policy to over-deliver. It’s our secret joy and a major driver for us to provide the most amazing trainings we possibly can. Our vision is that our facilitators create a life-changing experience for your mid-level managers. You absolutely will not receive ordinary, run-of-the-mill trainings. You’ll be realizing the benefits for a long time after the trainings have been completed.
Just because your managers weren’t provided leadership skills they need, doesn’t mean it’s too late. Our workshops are designed to teach the skills of leadership conversations—using a completely interactive method—in minimal time. The newer generation of workers doesn’t respond well to being told what to do and being expected to follow orders. For your leaders to get the most out of these workers, they must be able to promote engagement through collaborative conversations.
Expecting Managers To Succeed Strictly With Technical Skills Sets Them Up To Fail…
The Skill of Unlocking the Potential Of Others—That Is The Bedrock Of Managers’ Success
It is inspiration and influence that motivates employees to go that “extra mile” for a manager. Leaders can go only so far with technical skills. Building a team of inspirational and influential leaders requires a commitment to leadership development. If you want a change in your workplace and you need it fast—your best strategy is to invest in the best point of leverage—the management team. These are the kinds of results you can expect after one of our workshops:
- Managers fully step into their leadership role. The company realizes greater leverage from its managerial positions. Leaders delegate smoothly and naturally, engaging and motivating employees to perform. They create a climate of buy-in, where people want to do the work. Managers reduce the time they spend fighting fires, and instead function more strategically and proactively. They focus on leading and managing others—the job they were hired to do. They become a catalyst for solutions rather than the chief problem solver.
- Leaders have the tools for effective workplace conversations. With the right tools, managers are ready to provide feedback—positive and corrective—that ensures everyone is moving in the right direction. Misunderstanding is minimized. Leaders know what to say and how to say it, so that problems no longer fester. They know how to have positive reinforcing conversations that keep good employees engaged. Engaged employees don’t decide to move on to another employer. Top performers feel validated and stay—giving the business the best they’ve got. Difficult conversations become springboards to coaching when the manager knows how to approach them. The whole workforce becomes more effective.
- Managers become better listeners. We believe that listening is not just an activity – it’s an attitude. Becoming truly other-focused in listening brings with it the greatest potential for positive influence in a relationship. Our programs are built on this concept. Participants learn to self-manage their thought process to be more present. They learn to pause and be receptive instead of rushing to speak. They learn to let silence do the “heavy lifting”. Deep listening invites collaboration from the team.
- The organization increases capacity for long-range leadership growth. The Human Resources manager has an effective method to transfer leadership qualities from one generation to the next. Managers improve their communications skills—the ability to communicate both good and bad news—so that they are able to inspire, influence, and engage their employees. Managers move beyond technical skills to leadership skills. HR gets accolades for having chosen an effective, remarkable program with a high payoff that requires a low investment in training time.
- When it comes to succession, the organization has a deep and broad bench of potential candidates. The best candidates are selected and prepared for their new position. Succession planning is a long-term effort that gets consistent commitment and support. It’s not left to chance.
- The non-performer issue is no longer an energy drain and instead becomes a potential opportunity for coaching conversations. Managers know how to approach poor performers. They are no longer intimidated by introducing the topic of substandard performance. They know how to turn the conversation into a growth opportunity by minimizing resistance and pushback. The “performance problem” employee sees the conversation as valuable. The workplace environment improves as behavior is corrected. The organization as a whole is positively impacted.
We Have Guiding Beliefs And Values That Infuse All Our Work
Here’s What We Stand For—You Can Count On It
With our long proven history, there are certain things you can be sure of when you work with us. Everything you receive from us has a long history of development and proven results, and we continue to strive for improvement in everything we do.
Our objective is to spark a shift—a dramatic change in insight and behavior. We want participants to come away from our work feeling that something significant has happened. This significant difference derives from two main concepts or “levers”. The first lever is awareness—where participants become more aware of themselves, as they are and as they would like to be. The second lever is responsibility—where participants take responsibility for making the changes that are important to them. These are the same levers managers will use to influence others. Your leaders don’t simply learn the information; they respond differently afterwards because of what they learned.
- It’s the human touch we’re really teaching, and PowerPoint (PP) is a tool we use. We do use the dreaded PP slides as well as videos to demonstrate techniques. However, that isn’t what our learning is all about. It is the human element that brings out the best learning. You won’t experience “death by PowerPoint”. You will get human interaction and practice in improving workplace interactions.
- Nobody said learning had to be boring—your managers won’t be likely to be bored by our workshops. In fact, we believe that the more enjoyable learning is the more memorable it is. We’ve brought this philosophy into the design of our materials. Don’t worry; rigor is there along with the whimsy. We think that the two make for a memorable combination.
- Our workshops are heavy on shared laughter—while unlocking serious leadership potential. The word “unlocking” has been deliberately chosen to convey what we deliver. The laughter comes as participants recognize what they’ve been doing and why it hasn’t worked. Through their own insights and observations, they are then able to develop and “own” new and effective working techniques. They practice resolving real workplace issues—while building their leadership “muscles”.
- We support organizations that espouse the belief that “People are our most important resource.” Living up to that phrase can be difficult. Bringing the words alive is the thrust of our work. What we teach allows managers and their direct reports to embody this ideal. With the tools in place, everyone is more effective and successful because they feel valued and respected.
- We are quite savvy about understanding corporate needs, and make it our business to deliver solutions to those needs. We “get” your business environment, your drivers, problems, and issues. We make a point of “standing in the shoes” of our clients, and comprehending “both sides of the desk”. You can expect absolute professionalism from us at all times.
- We believe that a greater interest in people will benefit the organization. We believe that helping your people work together more effectively will boost your bottom line. When your managers and employees see themselves clearly and have productive conversations, the whole organization benefits. We are often told that spouses and family members benefit as well.
- We believe in the value of learning, the importance of leadership, and the power of unleashing human potential. We at Leadscape Learning are ourselves committed to learning, to being better leaders, and to unlocking our own potential, even as we develop the tools to support others in the same process.
You May Be Wondering, “What’s It Like To Work With Leadscape Learning?”
Here’s Our Approach and What We Work To Accomplish Every Time
When you’re considering a training contract, you want to know what you can expect from the training company. You’re asking, “How do they approach projects?” and “What can I count on from them?” Here’s what you can expect from us:
- We teach communicating that gets past human “anti-ballistic ego defense mechanisms”. What we mean by this light-hearted statement is that participants learn how to communicate so that others hear feedback without feeling attacked and without activating their defenses. Instead, managers are able to use difficult situations as springboards to growth. The human ego has strong defenses against “bad news”—blaming, deflecting, defending, denying – not letting in anything that feels threatening. We teach how to minimize the triggering of these mechanisms.
- We build the trust of your employees quickly—and demonstrate what it takes to build trust. Our responsiveness and positive relationship-based approach models winning leadership qualities to participants. The ability to generate engagement from participants gets them into a “play full out” mode quickly. Much of what we teach is common sense—but leaders who lack these skills won’t get the best out of their people.
- We give your employees all the tools they need to succeed in turning workplace conversations into coaching. We provide the structures, models and guidance. We make sure your leaders have the chance to practice winning conversations. When required, we even help people find the words.
- We have a tendency to over-deliver, setting and meeting exceptionally high standards for the work we deliver. “Near enough” is not a part of our work ethic. We prepare, and you won’t find us “shooting from the hip” or making it up as we go. We’re horrified at the thought of consultants delivering “smoke and mirrors”. You get solid, practical, effective, useful material—every time.
- Our work never positions us as experts at the front of the room. Even though we have lots of expertise, the way we work is to entice the innate wisdom out of participants. The language used always invites the brilliance of participants. We demonstrate how to build trust and rapport. From that, it is possible to challenge participants with respect and have them respond positively.
Here’s What’s So Different About What We Do
We have competitors, but our unique features provide a track record of exceptional results. When you’re looking for a leadership training company, you want to stay within a budget and time constraints. What we do is different from competitors, and has been proven over decades to produce the leadership qualities you need. Here’s what makes us unique:
Our work changes the nature of workplace conversations. The employee saying, “What do you want me to do?” becomes “Here are my ideas to solve the problem.” Rather than the manager solving everything, new solutions are created by tapping into the ideas of the employees. When the employee creates the solution, there is higher commitment and enthusiasm. The whole person becomes engaged—not just the person from the shoulders down.
- We provide the means for you to profoundly develop leaders—in a compressed format. Our workshops are completely interactive, which means that participants are learning and incorporating the skills throughout the process. We aren’t lecturing them. We show them the concepts, and they go right to work developing the skills for themselves.
- Managers learn to lead from their strengths and to build on the strengths of their employees. Our programs not only build on participants’ strengths, but also lead to unleashing the strengths of others. When a leader supports others to solve problems, they create an opportunity where they can themselves step back from solving those problems. They are free to truly lead.
- You get the benefit of forty plus years of experience distilled in these workshops. Both of the developers have spent 20+ years apiece exploring the subject of leadership and have worked directly with a broad spectrum of leaders in organizations. The years of experience have provided insights into the importance and the challenges of conducting effective leadership conversations. These insights have made it possible to create methods of imparting the necessary skills in a relatively short period of time.
Where To Next?
Now that you know more about how we work, what results you can expect from working with us, our values, and the unique aspects of our business, it’s time to explore our program offerings.