The Influential Conversations Workshop Provides a Solid Foundation In The Skill Of Influence
An Overview of How It Works
During the workshop, participants learn to incorporate the use of influence into leadership conversations. Following are some key elements about the program structure and style:
- The program begins with a package of pre-work that prompts participants to map out their network of influence.
- The workshop itself takes one full day of intense learning.
- The learning is experiential, with participants practicing the skills to master them.
- Participants leave with an action plan for applying what they have learned to a situation where they wish to exert more influence.
This workshop, like all our workshops, is fun, interactive, and potently effective. Participants are immersed in the practice and principles of Influence. Here’s an outline of what they learn and how the workshop is organized:
- The day opens with a highly interactive exercise to explore four strategies for initiating external change. Working in groups, participants investigate the differences between Influencing, Persuading, Directing, and Controlling. This exercise sets a context for what influence is and how it compares to other approaches to initiating change. The concepts of “pulling” vs. “pushing” are introduced and the advantages and disadvantages of each considered.
- The pre-work is reviewed and participants define situations where they would like to apply and practice influence. Working with partners, participants discuss the nature of their current world of influence, including who has influenced them and why. Group discussion surfaces the wisdom in the room about influence.
- The notion of likeability is considered, along with its connection to influence. Is it possible to become more likeable? Is it a skill? Is it important to influence? The answer to all three questions is yes, and we examine the components of that skill.
- Five major principles of influence are explored. These five principles become the main strategic foundation for the influential conversation. Working in groups, participants deepen their understanding of the principles and prepare to apply them to a common scenario. The scenario then becomes a laboratory for practical application through an interactive large group exercise.
- The five principles of influence are mapped to a matrix of specific skills that support them. The skills matrix becomes a reference guide for further development on the road to mastery. The keys skills of influence are critical skills of leadership and link to other leadership development work, such as is done in Navigational Coaching.
- Skills Practice: Expressing Empathy. Being able to walk in another’s shoes plays an important part in influencing the direction those shoes take. The ability to experience and express empathy is one of the most potent skills of human interaction. In this section participants deepen their understanding of this process and practice its application.
- Skills Practice: Asking Questions and Listening. While many lean towards “telling” as a method of exerting influence, the role of questioning and listening is less understood. The application of these two skills is particularly critical in the search for a common agenda. The common agenda becomes the pivot point around which influence moves. In this section participants sharpen their questioning and listening skills in pursuit of the common agenda that makes influence possible.
- Skills Practice: Storytelling. Stories and anecdotes are powerful tools for influence because they are memorable and appeal to both the heart and the mind. Presenting stories effectively is an important skill of influence. Participants explore the art of incorporating stories and anecdotes into influential conversations.
- Planning the Influential Conversation. Using a planning document, participants prepare to conduct an influential conversation based on the situation defined in the pre-work. Participants consider how they will apply the principles and skills of influence to the particulars of the situation facing them.
- Skills Practice: The Influential Conversation. Working with a partner, each participant practices conducting an influential conversation, focusing on the situation they have prepared with the planner. In the debriefing section, key insights are identified and shared with the group.
- Commitment to Action and Summary. Based on their experience in the practice sessions, participants adjust their plan for being influential in the situation identified in the pre-work. The program closes with a learning summary.
Where To Next?
Now that you know the issues this program addresses you may want to review our Navigational Coaching workshop. For the full details on that workshop, go to Navigational Coaching: Program Objectives.
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