Your Company Wants Training Materials Customized To Your Needs…
…But Training & Development (T&D) Is Stretched Too Thin Already
Because of high demands, T&D doesn’t currently have the capacity to deliver custom trainings. You would prefer to write your own materials, but that creativity chews up a lot of resources. It’s a conundrum. How can you produce the custom trainings that you take pride in—and still satisfy all the time demands? Where can you find the complete package of training materials—customized to your culture and industry—impeccably delivered on time?
Leadscape Learning Is Now Offering White Label Training Customized To Your Needs…
…Including Training Your In-House Staff and Mentoring Your Lead Trainer
Leadscape Learning now offers White Label Training that provides everything you need—and fits seamlessly into your curriculum. Our trainings are tested and proven, getting rave results and creating organizational change. We take our highly developed training content, customize it to your organization, and train your staff to deliver it. We’re two highly seasoned facilitators with global training experience. We provide everything you need to get desired results.
These Are The Kinds Of Issues You’re Up Against…
…That Make You Consider White Labeling
You are looking to license and customize training material rather than invest in the development process. You expect to cut costs approximately in half by licensing the rights to use the material and train your own internal instructors. The development process chews up too much time, and you want results without doing the development. These are the kinds of issues our clients are dealing with that this service addresses:
- Your department is time starved and lives in the tyranny of the urgent. You’re stretched to the max meeting internal customer demands for customized training, bringing new employees onboard, and handling regulatory issues. “No” is not in your vocabulary, and rising to all these challenges is taking its toll. You don’t want to cut quality, but it seems impossible to deliver on all the training responsibilities on your plate.
- It’s impossible to carve out the creative hours it takes to do original coursework design. It’s a priority to you, but this type of work requires quiet contemplative effort—and a lot of time—time you don’t have. It is a birthing process, quite rigorous and complex. You’ve got clear design specs, and would love to do the work in-house, but that’s not realistic.
- You need the courseware done yesterday… and it’s today! Organizational pressures are such that you must externally source training materials that you can customize. Yet, most training companies are unwilling to part with their own intellectual property, and it’s challenging to find the needed quality. You require absolutely professional materials—without a lot of design lead time.
- You have expectations of a very high level of professionalism. You require a sophistication that takes minimal explanation and orientation to the project. You want to work with seasoned training professionals. You expect them to immediately understand what you need to accomplish with the curriculum—and know how to help you deliver those results.
- You want to be able to turn it over and get it off your plate. When it comes back, you want a “done deal”, worthy of pride and requiring little additional input. You have very little time available for handholding through the development process. There are too many demands on you. A contractor must lighten your load—not add to it. You want to provide company-specific content knowledge, a point of contact and subject matter experts—and hand off the project.
Let’s Take A Quick Look At The Kinds Of Topics We Provide Training Materials For
We’re offering content that achieves certain objectives. You can “mix and match” among these topics to create the trainings you need. We customize to your industry, culture, environment and specific training needs. This is a list of the objectives our White Label Training products can accomplish for your organization:
- Developing coaching skills in leaders— Ensure that every manager has coaching skills and understands how to coach rather than boss. Gain the leadership leverage that results from coaching becoming a part of your organizational culture.
- How and where to focus coaching efforts— There is an art to distinguishing the coachable employee from others and getting the greatest return from coaching. It’s common for leaders to focus too many resources on the “problems”. Your organization is more likely to reap greater benefits by precisely targeting coaching efforts.
- How to provide corrective feedback that elicits positive change— It’s easy enough to correct, but more complex to cause another to want to change. This segment covers the ins and outs of giving powerful corrective feedback. This approach is based on building a genuine connection rather than relying on positional authority.
- How to give feedback that develops— Feedback is one of the most critical skills a leader needs to master—yet it’s seldom taught. Giving feedback that develops employees and future leaders is even more rare. This segment affords your leaders not only a solid grounding in the skills, but also adequate real life practice to gain confidence.
- How to handle resistance to feedback— We’re all aware of the “pushback factor” that leads to avoidance of delivering necessary feedback. This segment provides a foundation of understanding in how to minimize defensiveness and to open communication. Your leaders gain skill in “getting heard” and delivering messages that benefit your organization.
- Providing positive feedback that encourages productivity— Sadly, many leaders fail to take advantage of the value of positive feedback. Attaboy or attagal comments don’t cost money. They do require thoughtfulness and sensitivity to timing and authenticity. We all work harder when we know our efforts are acknowledged and appreciated. This segment covers how to get that discretionary effort (and instill pride and confidence) using positive feedback.
- How to manage an effective coaching conversation in 10 minutes or less— Once your leaders have gained coaching skills, it’s not necessary that those kinds of conversations take large chunks of precious time. Instead, your leaders can learn how to make the most of chance workplace opportunities. This segment gives them skill in on-the-fly coaching—a very powerful leadership competency.
- How to coach so that it sticks— Every leader has had the experience of giving feedback that was clearly received, yet the employee fell back into old behaviors. You want your leaders to understand how and what it takes to influence changed behavior.
- How to create a coaching culture in an organization— The most phenomenal organizations create a coaching culture. This means that everyone recognizes the value of coaching and asks for, receives and values coaching from others. These interactions create an exciting work environment that supports growth and development by its very nature. Everyone learns every day.
- The good, the bad, and the ugly of feedback— Your leaders learn what makes feedback work and not work. Most commonly, the mindset of the person delivering feedback is the problem. Our materials create the environment where your leaders will make dramatic shifts in the efficacy of their feedback conversations.
- How to influence when you have no positional authority— Often employees are required to lead when they have no official authority. This can be a very frustrating experience if they don’t understand how to influence. In this segment, leaders learn the power and skill of influence. This can be key to getting greater results throughout the organization.
- Understanding the mindset of influence— Exploring four different approaches to creating change illuminates the mindset of influence. Adopting the correct mindset is the first step to becoming more influential.
- Likeability as a source of influence— We all want to do things for people we like. It’s one of the most powerful aspects of influence. However, it’s the rare leader who truly understands what goes into being likeable. It isn’t about being a “people pleaser”. It’s about being able to make hard choices and communicating them with respect. This segment covers likeability as a tool of influence.
- How to integrate feedback into coaching conversations for greatest impact— Knowing how to coach and knowing how to give feedback are great tools in the leader’s arsenal. Combining the two is significantly more potent. There is an art to using feedback as a springboard to coaching. This segment provides what your leaders need to know to accomplish that.
If You’re Interested In This Customized Approach…
…Here’s How It Works
It starts as easily as having a conversation. We do a high level discussion to define the problem. What do you want that you don’t have now? What issues do you want to solve with the training? There’s no charge for this initial consultation. It’s an exploratory session to ensure that we can solve your problems and a way for you to become comfortable with us.
Once we’ve both ascertained that our services are right for you, we take the next steps. For a quick overview of the process, here is how it works:
- We put a licensing and implementation contract in place.
- You provide us with a “point person”, Subject Matter Experts and customization items (templates, logo, slides, pre-work, logo, PowerPoint, wall charts, items important in organizational culture).
- We take our materials and customize them to your organization.
- You review them and sign off.
- We train your lead trainer(s) and mentor them through the initial trainings.
- We provide the option of delivering a training as a pilot program for your trainers, where you can fine tune the deliverable.
- Your lead trainer(s) train the training departments to deliver the materials.
- We invoice you a flat rate per trainee for materials.
These Are The Benefits You Can Expect To Get From Our White Label Training Service
The thing we hear most often from our clients is, “You make it so easy to do business with you!” Indeed we do. That is, in fact, a point of pride for us. Our objective is to make your life easier.
The reason we’re so good at that is because we completely understand your needs. Having spent two lifetimes in front of training rooms, there’s little you will have to explain to us. We start off on the same page from the start. You may even enjoy a few surprises where we’re ahead of you in filling your needs. These are benefits you can expect from our White Label Training Service:
- You turn all the work over to us, but take all the credit. We’re white label, almost invisible, leaving only our copyright at the front of your training manual. We come in, you turn the project over to us, then forget about it. Your training shows up in reality according to your timeline—and you get to take full credit for it. We have no need to take the credit; That’s all yours.
- We function like an extension of your training department—without the ongoing expense. In effect, it’s training creativity on demand. We’ve already created, tried, tested and tweaked trainings that achieve the results you want. There’s no point in your spending the resources to re-create what we’ve already developed and proven.
- We’re completely customer focused. You’re starting off with two seasoned career training professionals. We know what a deadline is and how to deliver to deadline. Our process is truly “set it and forget it”. We want clients who are raving with appreciation, and we aim to provide the service that achieves that.
- Our most important job is to make our clients look good. Whether you’re the Director of Training Development, or VP of Human Resources, we’re going to give you a finished product that reflects the highest standards you would have produced if only you’d had time. You’ll never need to make excuses for the quality.
- We’ve walked the path you are standing on. We both have backgrounds with Fortune 100 companies, global experience, academic credentials, and we understand working with different cultures. We come in at your level and take it from there. You aren’t going to waste time immersing us in your culture and orienting us to what you’re trying to accomplish.
If This Sounds Like The Solution That You’re Looking For…
…Start The Process By Contacting Us
If this service seems to be what would solve your training problems, let’s discuss your needs. We’ll have a conversation to understand the population we’re designing for. What are the issues and problems you want to solve? How motivated are the learners? What are the gaps between what employees want and what the company wants? The most important part of the discussion is a look at how our materials can help you bridge these gaps.
Contact us using the form below and we’ll get right back to you to set a time to discuss your needs.