Belinda MacInnes MCC
Experience Working As A Leader In Organizations:
- Vice President Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (APAC) 2009 – 2013
- President International Coach Federation Australasia (ICFA) 2008
- Senior Faculty at Coach Inc.com (global coach training organization) 2001 – present
- Senior Staff to Group Vice-President General Motors Corporation (GMC) 1991-1999
Coaching And Facilitation Background:
As an Executive Coach in full time practice for the last 14 years, Belinda has inspired leaders and emerging leaders to increase their sustainable energy. This has resulted in, inter alia, greater productivity, engagement and joy; improved communication skills both in the workplace and at home; increased client workplace engagement aligned with the organisations values; and increased energy and well-being.
For over a decade Belinda M has been coaching leaders and emerging leaders in both the private and public sectors – in Australia and globally. She is well versed in the intricacies of the global workplace and enjoys coaching executives as they manoeuvre their way through the complexities of global leadership. Belinda M is a pioneer of coaching in Asia Pacific where she spends much of her time training and facilitating workplace ‘Leader/Manager as Coach’ programs. She has also delivered a number of communication courses to both private and public organisations. The outcome from both these programs has been self awareness for participants and greater staff engagement for the organisation.
Relevant Business Experience:
- Banking
- Creative Arts
- Education
- Entrepreneurs
- Financial Services
- Government
- Health
- Insurance
- IT
- Manufacturing
- Retail
- Sales & Marketing
Education and Training:
- Master Certified Coach, International Coach Federation 2005
- Graduate Diploma Business Systems (with Distinction), RMIT University 1986
- Bachelor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), University of Melbourne 1985