Dwight Lacey
Experience Working As A Leader In Organizations:
As a leader, Dwight has worked in government, financial services, and as an independent consultant. Dwight is best known and respected for being a visionary leader who connects with his team.
Today he is passionate about working with CEOs and their teams to help them build the type of corporate culture that will make the company and the employees long term winners.
Coaching And Facilitation Background:
Dwight has coached senior managers both formally and informally for the last 8 years.
He has facilitated training activities for leaders in Ford Motor Company, CIBC Insurance, and others. Dwight’s clients span many industries across both Canada and the United States.
Relevant Business Experience:
- President and Founder of Workplace Engagement Insights: 2008-present
- CEO Ford Insurance Companies: 2000-2003
- CEO CIBC Insurance Companies: 1991-1999
- COO Wellington Insurance: 1987-1991
Education and Training:
- B.Comm from University of Saskatchewan: 1974
- Various in-house training and development courses