Pam Cabalka
Experience Working As A Leader In Organizations:
- 20+ years in executive roles such as CEO, COO, Sr. VP Sales and Marketing and VP Operations in companies from start-ups to $350 million in revenue.
- Full P&L responsibility multiple times.
- Led teams as large as 50 individuals.
- Broke the glass ceiling to be the first and only female in an executive leadership role on two different occasions.
Coaching And Facilitation Background:
- 18 years consulting, coaching, advising executives and their teams.
- Led many successful Strategic Planning sessions in a variety of organizations.
- Facilitated numerous cross-functional teams focused on efficiency and effectiveness.
- Developed mutually beneficial channel relationships and partnerships to enhance revenues on both sides.
Relevant Business Experience:
- As VP of Sales, led the growth of an international technology company from $21 million to over $100 million in 2.5 years.
- Extensive experience in small to mid-sized companies in sales, marketing and operations.
- Helped position 3 companies for successful acquisition and/or significant additional funding.
- In her first significant management role, and as the only female Regional Manager out of 13, grew her Regional Office from scratch to the top Regional Office in the country.
Education And Training:
- Licensed Navigational Conversations Facilitator.
- Emotional Quotient Certified.
- Master of Business Administration.
- Bachelor of Liberal Arts.