Laura Leaton
Experience Working As A Leader In Organizations:
- 16 years leadership with Global Competitive Fortune 500 Company.
- 26 years of successfully managing and leading sales and training teams.
Coaching And Facilitation Background:
- 17 years coaching and training Division I Collegiate student-athletes.
- 16 years coaching and managing competitive sales teams.
- Executive Director of Leadership Development and Training.
Relevant Business Experience:
- Partner with individuals and companies by enrolling them in their vision, so to open up possibilities, such that they take distinct action.
- Left corporate environment and launched own coaching business in October 2019.
- Executive Coach, Trainer and Speaker.
Education And Training:
- Licensed: Navigational Conversations.
- Certified: Situational Leadership, Discovery Insights, DISC.
- A. Sociology; M.Ed. Athletic Administration.