Kerrie Hoffman
Experience Working As A Leader In Organizations:
- Over 25 years in executive and operations management within Corporate America.
- Several Business Unit CIO Roles in 2 major corporations in Business Units as large as $15B. Additional Management roles in diverse functions including Sales, Operations, Supply Chain.
- Consistently transformed teams into high performing teams with Engagement scores in the top 10-25%.
Coaching And Facilitation Background:
- Actively mentored and coached employees in Corporate America for over 25 years.
- Launched her coaching practice in December 2017.
- Has been a public speaker and innovation workshop facilitator for over 20 years.
- Partners with clients to grow their revenue, profit and enhance their quality of life in the fast-paced digital world we live in today.
Relevant Business Experience:
- Has over 30 years of experience with large Enterprises in multiple Industries, and a variety of roles including CIO, Operations, Supply Chain and Sales.
- Utilized extensive expertise in Business Transformation and Human Potential to deliver consistent and sustainable business growth and Digital Business transformation.
- In her current role as a serial entrepreneur, she is co-founder and principal for Get Digital Velocity, working with large enterprises to accelerate the move to frictionless business. In addition, Kerrie is owner of a FocalPoint Business Coaching Practice, working with small and mid-size companies as a certified business coach and digital advisor. As a freelancer, Kerrie is Lead Strategist for The Congruity Group and keynote speaker at Industry venues.
- Having lived in 3 countries and done business in over 35, Kerrie is passionate about diversity, globalization and the move we are experiencing out of the Industrial Age and into ‘The Next Age’.
Education and Training:
- Licensed Navigational Conversations and Certified FocalPoint Business Coach.
- BS in Pre-Med from Purdue University.
- Certificates of Executive Education from Harvard and Wharton School of Business.
- Asia Pacific Cultural Training and Singapore Expat assignment.