Kristin Carlson
Experience Working as a Leader
- Over 30 years in Information Technology (IT) within Corporate America.
- Full financial management responsibility for a $50 Million Infrastructure Team with 275 employees.
- M&A Experience with blending teams from 4 different companies and shedding small custom specialties into scalable corporate services, driving high performance, continuous process improvements and synergies throughout the organization.
- Year over Year scrutiny to do more with less and reduce capital spend.
Coaching and Facilitation Background
- 20+ years leading IT Teams at Executive and Senior Leader levels. Servant Leader driving for results through building high-performing teams and connecting people across organizations and through volunteer activities.
- Left the Corporate Environment and launched her coaching practice in 2018.
- Partner with clients to discover the opportunities within their business to improve profitability, strengthen their team, master their time, and prepare their exit strategy.
- Provide Career Coaching for people in transition or planning to make a career change soon.
- Facilitate workshops for people in transition for a national outplacement service.
Relevant Business Experience
- Certified Business & Executive Coach.
- Licensed Navigational Conversations Trainer.
- Executive Board Member for The Parenting Network, a local non-profit to strengthen parenting and to prevent child abuse.
- Ambassador for 2 local Chambers.